Here are some of the documents I speak about in the video:
For the JEKE Enterprises Ltd. V Northmont Resort Properties Ltd.
Supreme Court of British Columbia, Victoria Registry #143785
2014 10 08 JEKE V Northmont Notice of Civil Claim
2014 10 23 JEKE V Northmont - Notice of Application
2014 10 14 JEKE V Northmont - Application Response
2014 10 30 Affidavit #1 Kirk Wankel
I cannot, for the life of me, find that we were provided with Northmont's Reply to Claim that according to the BC Court Registry list I have was filed on November 12, 2014. I do, however, have the amended ones from 2015 and will provide those once I cover those dates.
For the Northmont Resort Properties Ltd. V JEKE Enterprises Ltd.
Provincial Court of British Columbia, Cranbrook Registry #24549
2014 10 20 Northmont V JEKE Notice of Claim
2014 10 28 Northmont V JEKE Reply to Claim
The information contained in this blog is accurate to the best of my knowledge at the time of posting. I reserve the right to make changes as new information becomes available.
Any and all information I share is for informational purposes only, not legal advice, as I am not a lawyer, just a lay person sharing information.