Monday, September 30, 2019

Where Did The Money Go??

An overview of monies paid out from the retainers we paid over the years.

For those of you who were part of the "Geldert group" - have you ever wondered how much money was spent and for what over the years?  Well here is an overview for you.

Where Did The Money Go?? An Overview

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The information contained in this blog is accurate to the best of my knowledge at the time of posting. I reserve the right to make changes as new information becomes available.

Any and all  information I share is for informational purposes only, not legal advice, as I am not a lawyer, just a lay person sharing information.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Butler Notice of Civil Claim

Outside the Victoria Courthouse 

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 The information contained in this blog is accurate to the best of my knowledge at the time of posting. I reserve the right to make changes as new information becomes available.

Any and all  information I share is for informational purposes only, not legal advice, as I am not a lawyer, just a lay person sharing information.